Missing Teeth: Replacing Them is Easier Than Ever

I have always been an avid hockey player, and my love took a bad turn one day when I got struck in the mouth with the puck. It was a painful moment that left me with two teeth knocked out of my mouth. Had I taken the right steps after the accident, I could have possibly saved the teeth, but I did not know I had that option at the time. Thankfully, I worked up the courage to visit a dentist and ask what my options for teeth-replacement were. I was worried I would would have to live the rest of my life without smiling, but I was ecstatic to learn that I was the perfect candidate for dental implants. I created this blog to help others realize that there are so many options to replace missing teeth today that no one has to "just live with" an imperfect smile!

How To Recover After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dentist Blog

Despite what their name insinuates, the last thing that your wisdom teeth are going to give you is wisdom. In fact, these hidden wisdom teeth may only give you shifting teeth and a whole host of other dental problems. So, what if your dentist finds out that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed? Well, they will usually remove them under general anesthesia. Then, once you are sedated, they will make some small incisions into the gums in the back of the mouth, remove the wisdom teeth, and then stitch you up. After you have been cleared, you can then go home and recover. But how exactly can you recover on your own? This article will list a few tips. 

Avoid Straws

You may think that your best friend is a straw when you can't chew and you're on a liquid diet, but straws can actually cause dry sockets in your mouth because of the sucking motion that you make. And if you get a dry socket, you will have to go back into the dentist and get them taken care of. Try to drink everything directly from a cup or you can even use a spoon to dish it out. 

Eat Soft Foods

Your mouth may be so sore for the first day or two that the thought of having to chew may not even come to mind. However, if you do have an appetite, you don't just have to eat a liquid diet, you can eat a really soft food diet. For instance, you can eat really soft, ground-up meat (that you don't have to chew) or even soup that has small pieces in it that you can just swallow. Just make sure that you're really careful with what you eat because you don't want it to get lodged in between your gums as your mouth starts to heal. 

Rinse Your Mouth

Another thing that you will want to do a few hours after surgery is take out your gauze and rinse your mouth gently with a saltwater solution. Because you can't brush back by your incisions, rinsing with salt water will help you fight off infection and will keep your mouth clean. Just make sure that you don't rinse too harshly because it may cause your incisions to tear open. 

Now that you know a few different things about what you can do to help speed up your recovery, you are good to go. Reach out to a dentist who performs wisdom teeth extractions to learn more.


23 April 2019