
Use Tobacco And Drink? Oral Cancer Is A Very Real Possibility

Dentist Blog

If you're both a smoker and drink alcohol, you have a higher risk of developing oral and pharyngeal cancer. In fact, the risk is 300 times greater. Here is what you should know about this potentially fatal disease. What Is Oral And Pharyngeal Cancer? Oral cancer is a cancer that occurs anywhere in the mouth, including the pharynx. The pharynx is the back of your throat, the tonsils, and the back part of your tongue where it attaches.

19 August 2018

Advantages Of Custom Trays For Teeth Whitening

Dentist Blog

One of the most common forms of teeth whitening is to use whitening trays. If you are planning to use this smile makeover service, you should know that using customized trays from your dentist has several advantages over using over-the-counter trays; here are some of those advantages: The Bleaching Trays Won't Irritate Your Teeth One of the best things about custom trays is that they are designed to fit your mouth properly.

21 July 2018

How Plaque Causes Halitosis

Dentist Blog

If you constantly feel like your breath is bad and if people have told you that it is, you probably suffer from halitosis. Halitosis is the dental term for bad breath, and it is a condition that affects a lot of people. There are several main things that can cause a person to have this condition, but one of the most common causes is plaque. What is plaque? Plaque is a common word used in dentistry, and it refers to the sticky substance you can find on your teeth.

23 June 2018

Understanding A Gingivectomy

Dentist Blog

Caring for your teeth and gums can be overwhelming at times, but it is important. Considering half of all Americans have some form of gum disease, you may be at risk of this dental disorder that can wreak havoc on the look and underlying health of your mouth, teeth, and gums. Gum disease stems from bacteria that spreads through the mouth, infecting and inflaming the gum tissue that supports your teeth.

23 May 2018

Recovering From Oral Surgery

Dentist Blog

If you have lost one or more teeth and are planning to undergo oral reconstructive surgery, you may not know what to expect during your recovery period. Here is a bit of information to help ensure that your recovery from your oral surgery is problem-free.  What to Expect Immediately After Your Surgery Before your surgery, you will need to arrange to have a friend or loved one drive you to your appointment, especially if you plan to take an oral sedative before receiving your treatment.

20 April 2018

Child Nervous About Their Dentist Visit? Try These Three Things

Dentist Blog

Do you have an upcoming appointment scheduled for your child to visit the pediatric dentist? If so, they may be a bit nervous about going. While going to the dentist is never something kids look forward to, there are some things that you can do to ease their mind about the appointment. Try doing the following three things. Use Positive Phrases You can make a big impression on your child based on the language that you use.

20 March 2018

Which Dental Implant Is Right For You?

Dentist Blog

If you are considering options to replace missing teeth, you must learn about dental implants. Dental implants are the most effective way to replace your missing teeth because they sit in your jawbone. This makes them durable. If you think dental implants may be a good option for you, check out these three choices to learn which one is best for your smile. Single Dental Implant If you only have one missing tooth or a few missing teeth in different areas of your mouth, single implants are the best option.

14 February 2018

3 Teeth Whitening Options

Dentist Blog

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because it is effective and affordable. Dingy teeth from years of wine, coffee, soda and normal wear and tear affect self-esteem, but teeth whitening leaves your teeth bright, white and youthful. If you want to know more about teeth whitening, check out these three popular options. Over-the-Counter Products There are many over-the-counter tooth whitening products you can buy at a pharmacy or grocery store.

24 January 2018

Four Tips To Help Ease Your Dental Implant Surgery Recovery

Dentist Blog

Having dental implants put into your mouth is an excellent way to replace your missing teeth. Implants stimulate the jaw bone, so you do not experience bone loss, and once you are healed, they look and work just like natural teeth. Before you get to that point, however, you need to make it through the recovery period. Regardless of the implant procedure, from a few implants to an all on 4 implant rehabilitation, here are four tips to help ease your dental implant recovery.

28 December 2017

Two Reasons You May Want To Opt For An Implant-Supported Bridge

Dentist Blog

Dental bridges typically use the natural teeth surrounding a gap to anchor the appliance in place. This allows the bridge to cover more than one empty space at a time, unlike dental implants. However, sometimes a dentist will recommend getting an implant-supported dental bridge rather than use the natural teeth. Here are two reasons you may want to agree to this option: No Deterioration Over Time The main problem with using natural teeth as anchors for dental bridges is they deteriorate over time.

2 December 2017