Missing Teeth: Replacing Them is Easier Than Ever

I have always been an avid hockey player, and my love took a bad turn one day when I got struck in the mouth with the puck. It was a painful moment that left me with two teeth knocked out of my mouth. Had I taken the right steps after the accident, I could have possibly saved the teeth, but I did not know I had that option at the time. Thankfully, I worked up the courage to visit a dentist and ask what my options for teeth-replacement were. I was worried I would would have to live the rest of my life without smiling, but I was ecstatic to learn that I was the perfect candidate for dental implants. I created this blog to help others realize that there are so many options to replace missing teeth today that no one has to "just live with" an imperfect smile!

Why Do You Need A Crown After A Tooth Filling?

Dentist Blog

For many people, getting a tooth filled is no big deal, with it only involving going to the dentist's office to have the decayed material drilled out and a new filling put in its place. But sometimes, you might have a dentist tell you that putting a dental crown over the tooth is necessary, or is at least a good idea. If you're wondering what this is about and why you may need it, then here's a brief explanation of why some cavities require dental crowns.

Cavity Depth and Size

A cavity's size and depth play a significant role in determining whether you need a crown or just a filling. When a cavity is relatively small, shallow, or both, a filling is usually sufficient. Dental cement is used to fill in the hole where the cavity used to be, which helps keep out foreign materials and bacteria, and it keeps the tooth in one piece. However, if a cavity is larger or if the cavity was on the chewing surface of the tooth, it may require a crown.

The Problem With Fillings

The main reason why some fillings need crowns is because dental cement can only do so much. Under the best circumstances, it can last for a very long time and keep teeth healthy and pain-free. However, when there's a great deal of it from filling in a deep cavity, or if it's right on the surface where you chew, this pressure can become too much. Not only can the filling itself be damaged and fall out, there's also a risk that the tooth itself may become cracked or broken, which will require further dental work to fix. And once a tooth is broken, it's practically guaranteed to need a dental crown.

Adding a Crown

Dental crowns act as a sort of cushioning for recently filled cavities. They help to take the majority of the pressure when you bite down, preventing it from stressing the filling and causing cracks or damages. They also provide an extra layer of protection that helps to keep food and bacteria out. Think of it as like putting on a helmet over your tooth. While the filling and tooth itself might be okay without a crown, having one there can protect it from damage, stress, and it greatly reduces the risk of needing a complete replacement in the future. If your dentist thinks that you need a dental crown for your filling, it's likely for these reasons.

Keep these tips in mind when you need dental crowns.


14 January 2022