Missing Teeth: Replacing Them is Easier Than Ever

I have always been an avid hockey player, and my love took a bad turn one day when I got struck in the mouth with the puck. It was a painful moment that left me with two teeth knocked out of my mouth. Had I taken the right steps after the accident, I could have possibly saved the teeth, but I did not know I had that option at the time. Thankfully, I worked up the courage to visit a dentist and ask what my options for teeth-replacement were. I was worried I would would have to live the rest of my life without smiling, but I was ecstatic to learn that I was the perfect candidate for dental implants. I created this blog to help others realize that there are so many options to replace missing teeth today that no one has to "just live with" an imperfect smile!

What To Expect At Your Teeth Whitening Appointment

Dentist Blog

If your teeth have begun to turn yellow, it isn't necessarily a sign that you've done anything wrong. The outer surface of your teeth is made of a substance called enamel. As you grow older, the enamel on your teeth naturally gets thinner, exposing the more pigmented dentin underneath. Stains from certain medications, foods, or beverages can also contribute to tooth discoloration. Fortunately, your dentist can perform a whitening treatment in their office. Here is what you should expect at your first teeth whitening appointment:

1. Your dentist will examine your teeth.

If you haven't had a dental checkup lately, your dentist will first thoroughly examine your teeth. They'll check the surface of your teeth and take x-rays to ensure you have no cavities or other pressing dental concerns. Decay can increase the tooth sensitivity you may experience as a result of your teeth whitening treatment, so you'll want to take care of any pending fillings before proceeding.

2. Your dentist will paint a protective coating over your gums.

In-office teeth whitening utilizes bleaching agents to whiten your teeth. These bleaching agents can cause irritation to the soft tissues of your mouth, so your dentist will paint a protective coating over your gums ahead of time. This will keep your gums safe and comfortable when your dentist applies the actual teeth whitening treatment.

3. Your dentist will apply a teeth whitening solution.

Finally, your dentist will carefully apply a teeth whitening solution to your teeth. This solution is made from either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Your dentist will custom mix your teeth whitening solution to the desired strength, based on the level of whitening you're hoping to achieve. In-office bleaching treatments are more effective than teeth whitening kits that you can use at home since your dentist is a trained professional who has access to stronger chemicals than you can purchase.

4. Your dentist will allow your teeth to process.

Once the carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide has been applied, you'll need to wait in your dentist's chair for the chemicals to do their work on your teeth. This can take up to one hour, but your dentist will keep track of the time. Once the allotted time has passed, your dentist will wash the solution and protective coating from your teeth and gums.

You can get your teeth several shades lighter in a single appointment when you opt for in-office teeth whitening. Ask your dentist about the teeth whitening options that are available to you. 


22 July 2019