Missing Teeth: Replacing Them is Easier Than Ever

I have always been an avid hockey player, and my love took a bad turn one day when I got struck in the mouth with the puck. It was a painful moment that left me with two teeth knocked out of my mouth. Had I taken the right steps after the accident, I could have possibly saved the teeth, but I did not know I had that option at the time. Thankfully, I worked up the courage to visit a dentist and ask what my options for teeth-replacement were. I was worried I would would have to live the rest of my life without smiling, but I was ecstatic to learn that I was the perfect candidate for dental implants. I created this blog to help others realize that there are so many options to replace missing teeth today that no one has to "just live with" an imperfect smile!

4 Ways To Preserve Your Enamel

Dentist Blog

The enamel that covers your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body. Even though it is the hardest substance in the body, it is prone to decay and wear and can demineralize and erode over time. As your enamel erodes, your teeth become more sensitive, more prone to cavities and weak, which can cause cracks in your teeth. There are a number of ways that you can keep your enamel strong and healthy in order to prevent erosion.

Keep The Mouth Moist 

Lack of saliva production or chronically dry mouth can cause your enamel to erode prematurely. Keep your mouth moist and your saliva flowing to help preserve your enamel. If you notice that you have a dry mouth, chew sugar free gum throughout the day. Chewing gum will help increase saliva production. Drink water throughout the day in order to keep your mouth moist. If you find that you can't keep your mouth moist regardless of what you do, your dentist might recommend medications to help your mouth increase saliva production.

Use Fluoride 

Fluoride can help to strengthen your enamel, and so it is important that your body gets enough fluoride to help preserve your enamel. Fluoride toothpastes and special fluoride mouthwashes can be used to ensure you are getting enough fluoride. Your dentist might recommend a simply fluoride varnish treatment in-office if he thinks you aren't getting enough fluoride. 

Avoid Certain Foods

Acidic foods and drinks more quickly break down the enamel. Soda, citrus fruits, and foods high in sugar can all erode your enamel. Soda and citrus fruits both have high acidity, and the sugar in sugary foods converts to acids, which breaks down your enamel. Try to eat these foods sparingly. If you have to get your soda fix, try drinking it through a straw. This way your teeth are less exposed to the soda's acidity. After you eat, rinse your mouth out with water. 

Brush Your Teeth Wisely 

Brushing and flossing your teeth too roughly can cause the breakdown of enamel. Brushing too often also causes damage to enamel. Brushing your teeth directly after eating will further damage your enamel. Be sure that you are gentle when brushing, try to not brush your teeth more than a few times a day and ensure that you wait after eating before you brush your teeth. 

If you have noticed that your enamel is eroding, visit your dentist. A dentist like Suncoast Dental Center can give you more advice on how to preserve your enamel, and in extreme cases, your dentist may use artificial plastics to help restore your enamel for a healthy mouth. 


5 February 2016